What Is Dyslexia?
Dyslexia is a common reading disorder in children. Dyslexic children have difficulty reading, writing and pronouncing words. In fact, dyslexia is very often associated with other cognitive difficulties as well. A child suffering this condition will experience difficulty in performing daily tasks which other children his age perform with great ease. Reading, writing, making notes, everything is a challenge for him. Typical mistakes in reading and writing that children with this condition make are adding or omitting words and transposing letters (using ‘b’ instead of ‘p’). The child has a very hard time performing simple mathematical calculations. He is unable to recall what he has learnt by heart. Learning a new language is almost impossible.
There are other symptoms as well. These include a roaring, buzzing sound in the head and ears. A child suffering dyslexia is faced with so many challenges at so many levels that he lacks confidence and will usually have a low self-esteem. Disturbed motor coordination such as difficulty in tying shoe laces or doing up buttons has also been seen in persons with this condition.
Homeopathic Medicine Can Treat Dyslexia
Dyslexia is a condition that needs to be diagnosed and treated at an early age. Homeopathic medicines, which are made from natural substances, are safe from toxic side-effects and therefore, recommended for long-term use in young children. Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia do not slow down the body’s natural processes or make the child dull and drowsy, which are common side-effects of the conventional mode of treatment. In fact, they set off the body’s own restorative processes and help heal the disorder naturally. The earlier the child is given Homeopathic treatment, the higher the chances of his recovery. Other cognitive therapies such as speech therapy continue alongside Homeopathic treatment and aid recovery.
Homeopathic Medicines for Dyslexia
Lycopidium, Baryta Carbonica and Kali Phosphoricum are three top grade Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia. Lycopodium is one of the most prescribed Homeopathic medicines for children with learning and writing disabilities, and a weak memory. It works best in cases where a child spells words wrong. Baryta Carbonica is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia cases where confusion, low confidence and a weak memory are the main symptoms a child shows. Kali Phosphoricum is best indicated for dyslexia with cognitive difficulties (difficulty in concentration, absence of mathematical skills). It is also one of the top rated Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia with symptoms of forgetfulness, loss of memory and dullness of the mind.
Lycopodium and Mercurius Solublis – Top Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia with pronounced reading (spelling) disability
The most effective Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia with reading (spelling) disability are Lycopodium and Mercurius Solublis. Lycopodium acts well when a child is unable to read what he has just written down. His speech is indistinct and he stammers out the last word. He is also unable to learn languages and often makes spelling mistakes. Mercurius Solublis is one of the well indicated Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia with pronounced reading disorder.
Hydrogen, Kali Bromatum and Cannabis Sativa – Top rated Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia with writing disability
The three most prescribed Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia with writing disability are Hydrogen, Kali Bromatum and Cannabis Sativa. Hydrogen has shown great results where transposing letters and words (using ‘b’ for ‘p’ or ‘teh’ for ‘the’) while writing is a common symptom. Kali Bromatum is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia where a child uses opposite words (‘hot’ for ‘cold’). He often adds or omits letters while writing as well. Cannabis Sativa is very helpful in dyslexic persons who repeat words while writing.
Natrum Muriaticum, Causticum and Stramonium – Best Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia with hearing and speech disability
Natrum Muriaticum, Causticum and Stramonium are top rated Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia. Natrum Muriaticum is most recommended in dyslexia cases where the child complains of a roaring, buzzing sound in the head and ears. Causticum is one of the best prescriptions for dyslexia with speech disabilities. If a child suffering dyslexia mispronounces or uses wrong words while speaking, Causticum is the medicine to take. Stramonium is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia cases where the person calls things by wrong names.
Sumbulum, Helliborus and Cannabis Indica – Most Effective Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia with cognitive disability
Natural and safe, Sumbulum, Helliborus and Cannabis Indica are valuable Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia with cognitive disability. Sumbulum works best in dyslexia with weak mathematical skills. A person with this condition generally makes mistakes while writing and while performing simple mathematical calculations, especially while adding numbers. Helliborus is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia accompanied by a weak memory. The person has trouble remembering what he might have heard. Cannabis Indica is one of the most well indicated Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia where the child has trouble recalling what he has just done.
Baryta Carbonica and Lycopodium – Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia with lack of confidence
Baryta Carbonica and Lycopodium are top rated Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia where the condition leads to severe lack of confidence in young children. Homeopathic medicine Baryta Carbonica has shown wonderful results in cases where the child is slow and dull and has low self-esteem. Baryta Carbonica is also one of the best Homeopathic medicines for dyslexia to prescribe in cases where the child has trouble concentrating. Lycopodium is the other Homeopathic medicine which has shown great improvement in the self-confidence of children with dyslexia. The child does not like to take up new tasks or do new things. In fact, where a child with dyslexia has trouble paying attention during a conversation, Lycopodium is the most reliable treatment option
You mention that “Dyslexia is a condition that needs to be diagnosed and treated at an early age. ” In the case of an adult with undiagnosed dyslexia as a child, and therefore no therapy given, is there any hope that the suggestions you give would be helpful now? She is in her 60’s.
Thank you,
Thanku sir for sharing this knolegible fact i am homoeopathic ptactioner
Im-balance and aversion to walk even even short distances
Sir my son has all the above symptoms do I need to use all the above medications or is there any way that he gets all this medication in one go.
no u wont all medications once. because constitutional medicine have to give. consult the doctor near by your area and take medications according to there advise.
Please inform the fees for the treatment of dyslexia of 14.years boy. An early reply is requested.
Kindly remove this post .
Hi sir,
I am from pune city, my son having issue of less concentration in studies writing and reading of Words and numbers .
Initial 3 rd age we dont have any doubt on his study.
Earlier He likes singing poem, ATo Z,week and months days ,
Animals, Vegitables , Flowers chart .
Now no interest showing on school academic .
Difficulties in writing Ato Z , not remembering.
We test his brain and syndromes ,No specific diseases.
He has minor Hyper active .
We required suggestions and medicine from you ,since I studies abt dyslexia .
Kindly remove this post .
Dear sir my son 18 years old has detected Dislexia and disgraphia in 2019 and at present he is studying in V.G Vaze college in Mulund,Mumbai (M.S.).
Sir at present he has not interest in studying he is only taking interest in chatting with friends and also he is very lazy not doing brush and also not taking daily bath and also not taking proper diet and medicine in time.please tell medicine to get him quick recovery
Please inform the fees for the treatment of dyslexia of 14.years boy. An early reply is requested.
I have a grandson that is 7 years old that has dyslexia who is receiving special training. If his parents were to take him to a very good well trained homeopathic MD doctor what would be the chances of him being cured?
Dear Dr.
My 5 year young son currently studying UKG normal stream. However I am not satisfied with his academic permanence as many time mentions by his school teacher also.
My observation for him , he don’t show interest when it comes to read or write, he is not able to memories things repeatedly teach him, very clumsy in writing, sometime write number 9 as P and spelling also mixed up. Law at confidence, not taking part or show interactive approach in classroom.
Overall he is very good at general manner, expressive at home. He has habit of thumb sucking while sleeping.
Please suggest some remedy for memory improvement and increase attention span that help to overcome problem.
Thanks in advance.
My son 17 yrs old dyslexia patiant
My 10 year old son has dyslexia and has had assistance since 1st grade. He is currently in a school that specializes in dyslexia and other disabilities. Based upon what I read, he has primary dyslexia and happens to be left-handed. He was tested for ADHD and does not have that challenge. He does have some minor anxiety issues. Anything you recommend? I feel you have tried all the different settings but he still struggles with reading and spelling.
My son is 10 yrs old having dyslexia. further details i will share
my daughter has Dyslexia having 7 yrs old living in visakhapatnam. After several studies in the internet, it is not curable and we are giving special training in a n institute also.
give me your further suggestions as an master in Homeopathy.
Contact on this number 03447154536 from Pakistan
My 11 years old boy full active but he failed in 4th because he no concentration in class . He has learning and reading difficult for him .main difficult in reading and phonics words please any best treatment sir
R/Dr. Sharma, my 10 yrs old child asks things repeatedly, can not concentrate on class lectures properly, otherwise very caring, wise, and writes poems also finds maths difficult. plz suggest medicine
R/Dr. Sharma, my 10 yrs old child asks things repeatedly, can not concentrate on class lectures properly, otherwise very caring, wise, and writes poems also finds maths difficult. plz suggest medicine
Ammonium carbanicum 200 single dose
Ma fille de 9 ans souffre d une lourde dyslexie phonoligique lecture et encodage
Avec leger trouble de prononciation à l oral de quelques mots
Que lui donner? Quelle posologie en homéopathie?
My 7 years old son have few symptoms of dyslexia and ADHA (As per their School teacher analysis). He has also very short span of time on any single activity, too talkative.
Kindly advice.
Dear Dr.Sharma,
Can you help, whenever I read start reading a book I go of to sleep. I can hardly complete a page. I have tried many tricks they havn’t help. I am looking at homeopathy medicine for help.
regarding my daughter she is 14 but still shows away from studies and writing her spelling s are also not up to her age
kindly advise if it is a learning disability disorder ,though we have to haggle her and sit with her for exam preparations
Thanks for very providing informative material. My kid is very slow and repeatedly caught by cough and cold.