Warts (also known as Verruca Vulgaris), are typical skin growths that appear on the surface of the skin in the form of small, rough, hard bumps. These can occur anywhere on the body, but common sites of their appearance are the hands and feet. These usually have the same color as that of one’s skin. Being generally painless, these cause no problems, except for cosmetic concerns. These are non-cancerous, benign growths and are usually self-limiting. Homeopathy medicine for warts helps avoid the recurrence of the condition. The top medicines used for the treatment of warts are Thuja Occidentalis, Causticum and Nitric Acid.
Warts appear most commonly during childhood, and typically become visible and slowly minimize within a few weeks to a few months. In a few cases, these may take years to disappear. Warts are very common and can infect anyone at some point in their lives.
In most cases, warts are resolved by application of corrosive acids or in severe cases, by surgery. But both these treatments tend to cause extreme side effects and leave scars.
Causes of Warts
Warts occur when the human papillomavirus infects a person. The virus enters the body if there is any slight damage present in the skin. Human papillomavirus (HPV) affects the skin cells of an individual. The rapid growth of cells that occurs on the outer layer of the skin results in the appearance of warts.
Warts usually contain tissues that bleed easily. The bleeding of this tissue allows the infection to spread further.
Different strains of HPV can lead to the development of warts on specific parts of the body. Some of these strains are highly contagious and spread easily from skin-to-skin contact.
Certain factors can increase the risk of getting an infection, and these include the use of public showers, multiple sexual partners, smoking, and autoimmune disorders that weaken the immune system.
Symptoms of Warts
Symptoms of warts can vary from mild to moderate or can be severe, depending upon the strain that has infected the individual’s body.
Warts are usually painless but may cause pain when touched. These generally appear either in single numbers or multiple growths (known as crops).
Warts can be the same color as that of the skin or be darker or red. They can also differ in appearance and be rough, smooth or flat in appearance. These can produce itching, burning sensation or irritation in one’s skin. Warts also tend to ooze moisture or bleed readily.
Types of Warts According to the Strain
There are different types of warts based upon the shape, site and the kind of Human papillomavirus involved. These are:
Verruca Vulgaris (Common Warts): These are raised warts that stand out with a roughened surface. These most commonly appear on the hands, elbows or knees but tend to grow anywhere upon the body. But, usually appear on hands, elbows or knees.
Digitate or Filiform Warts: These are thin, thread or finger-like warts that most commonly appear on the face and affect the eyelids and lips.
Verruca Acuminata (Genital/Venereal Warts): These warts can be dark and occurs on the genitals only. These are quite contagious and tend to spread through sexual contact.
Periungual Warts: These are cauliflower-like growths of warts appearing in clusters around the nails and on the cuticles. These are difficult to treat as compared to other types of warts.
Verruca Plantaris (Plantar Warts): These are hard, lump like growths that appear commonly on pressure points on the soles of feet. These appear with multiple black specs in the center as these have small clotted capillaries. These type of warts cause pain while walking.
Mosaic Warts: These are tightly packed small plantar warts that appear in multiple bunches. These commonly occur on hands or soles of the feet.
Homeopathic Treatment for Warts
Thuja Occidentalis: Top Medicine for Warts Treatment
Thuja is prepared from the plant Arbor Vitae of the family Coniferae.
It is a top grade medicine for warts that grow on the surface of the skin. Warts commonly appearing on the face (especially chin and back of the hand) are treated well by this medicine. Warts that are large, seedy, hard and pedunculated in appearance and tend to ooze moisture and bleed readily are also treated with Thuja. This medicine is also indicated for the treatment of warts appearing in the anogenital area.
Causticum: For Warts that are Large
Causticum is a medicine for warts that are large. The warts are rough, sharp, pedunculated and protruding in appearance. They also exude moisture and tend to bleed easily. Causticum can also be used to treat cases of small, non-pedunculated warts all over the body, affecting it internally and externally. Fleshy warts that are the same as the color of the skin can be present on the skin. These usually appear on arms, hands, eyelids, fingertips, nose or eyebrows. Warts are generally soft at the base, horny on the surface and tend to appear in crops.
Nitric Acid: For Bleeding warts
Nitric Acid is a known medicine for warts that tend to bleed easily. These warts usually bleed when touched or washed. These can be elevated, exuberant, cauliflower-like and hard in appearance. They generally appear on the upper lips. Nitric Acid can also help treat cases where warts appear on the genitals. Warts are sticking and pricking in nature and are generally painful to touch. This medicine is beneficial in instances where warts commonly exude moisture.
Antomonium Crudum: Homeaopthic Medicine for Warts with a Horny Appearance
Antimonium Crudum is an outstanding medicine for warts that are horny in appearance. These warts have a smooth appearance and are soft. There is itching and burning present in warts. This medicine can be very helpful in cases where small ulcers break out around the warts. It can treat the cases where any suppression of the eruptions or ulcers has resulted in chronic skin affections.
Dulcamara: For Warts that are Smooth
Dulcamara is prepared from a plant called ‘Woody Nightshade’ that belongs to the Solanaceae family.
Dulcamara is a treatment for warts that are smooth in texture and appearance. The warts are large and usually the same as the color of the skin. They commonly appear on the palmar surface of the hands and fingers. Warts growing in the face can also be treated well with Dulcamara.
Sabina: For Fig Warts
Sabina is prepared from a plant named ‘Savine’ which belongs to the family Coniferae.
Sabina can be very helpful in treating the cases of fig warts. Fig warts are bright red, soft, pointed growths that usually grow around the genitals. This medicine is useful in cases where there is a profuse growth of warts. Warts may also be moist with intolerable itching and burning.
Meddorrhinum: For Warts on the Genitals
Medorrhinum has proved itself effective for warts appearing on the genital area. These are usually small, pedunculated warts with pinheads that look like small button mushrooms. They are copper colored in appearance and can occur on various parts of the body, but most commonly grow around the genital and on thighs.
Calcarea Carbonica: For Warts that are Inflamed
Calcarea Carb is a highly suitable treatment for warts that are inflamed and ulcerated. There is marked itching and stinging type of pain present in the warts. Warts appear on face and hands and are round, soft at the base with an upper surface that is hard, rough, whitish and horny. Small, horny warts in large numbers which itch, bleed and disappear, and are the same as the color of the skin are also treated with Calcarea Carb.
Sepia Officinalis: For Warts on the Neck
Sepia is a medicine for warts that appear on the neck. Warts are small, itching, flat from the sides with a horny elevated center. It can also treat cases where warts grow on the hands and face. It can be helpful in both the cases where the warts are same in color as that of the skin or dark, hard and black. It can be helpful in cases where warts appear on the prepuce (skin on the genitals).
Other Important Remedies for Warts
Natrum Carbonicum is a medicine for warts present on the palms of hands that are sore to touch.
Magnesia Sulphurica is a medicine for warts that appear on the face.
Staphisagria is a medicine for warts that are categorized as fig warts and are dry, pedunculated and cauliflower-like in appearance.
Kali Muriaticum is a medicine for warts present on the hands.
Sulphur is a medicine for warts that are hard, painful and throbbing. The skin around the wart may be unhealthy-looking.
Phosphoric Acid is a medicine for warts that appear near the rectum or genitals.
Silicea is a medicine for warts that are large and fleshy in appearance.
I think Thuja is the best remedy for my husbands wart. It is a goood size . My question is dosage, and if it would be better to make a tincture, take internally or both.
Dear sir,
There are many soft warts around my neck.They are medium and small in size and increasing day by day.No pain or itching but looks very ugly.What is the permanent solution for this?