Homeopathic Remedies For Fracture
Any breakage in a bone is termed a fracture. The fracture may be a result of injuries or due to underlying pathological conditions like Osteoporosis. The fracture canbe simple or closed fracture and compound or open. In a simple fracture, there is no communication of the broken bone with the outer skin surface (here, the skin is intact). In a compound fracture, the broken bone communicates with the outer skin. A compound fracture carries higher chances of bone infection. The Homeopathic mode of treatment is of great help in healing fractured or broken bones. That is, of course, after proper alignment of bones by an Orthopaedic doctor. The Homeopathic remedies for fracture are made of natural substances and are completely safe. They have no side effects.
Homeopathic Treatment for Fracture
Homeopathic medicines have gained a lot of mastery in treatment of fractured bones. The natural Homeopathic remedies accelerate the healing of broken bones and help in speedy recovery. The Homeopathic medicines should be used only after proper alignment of the bones by an Orthopaedic doctor. Homeopathic medicines are very beneficial in reducing swelling and pain at the fractured site and for the quick union of bones. Homeopathic medicines help to promote osteoblast cell activity — bone forming cells — to lay down healthy callus formation. With the use of Homeopathic remedies, the osteoblast cell activity is hastened and the healing of bones is promoted in the most appropriate manner. The Homeopathic sugar-coated pills have a tremendous power to conjoin the broken bones promptly.
Top Homeopathic Remedies for Fracture
Arnica: Best Homeopathic medicine for fractured bone
Arnica should always be the first choice of Homeopathic remedy to be employed immediately after a fracture. Natural Homeopathic medicine Arnica has a remarkable power to reduce the pain, soreness, puffiness and swelling around the fracture. To reduce the swelling at the fractured site, no other remedy in Homeopathy can equal Arnica. This Homeopathic medicine also helps a great deal in removing the mental fear, terror and shock following trauma or fall or injury leading to a fracture.
Symphytum: Top Homeopathic medicine to speed up fibroblast cell activity for laying new bone
Symphytum is the best natural Homeopathic remedy to promote callus formation and osteoblast cell activity needed to lay a new bone. Symphytum can be very beneficial in each and every case of fractured bone because it is almost specific for this condition unlike other Homeopathic medicines that need to be chosen based upon characteristic features. Symphytum helps in both recent fractures to promote speedy recovery and also in caseof remote fractures, where the bones refuse to heal or where the healing is too slow. Symphytum is also known as“knit bone” because of the fantastic skill and artistic way with which it knits the bone. Apart from promoting the osteoblast cell activity, it also helps in decreasing excessive irritability at the site of the fractured bone and reducing the pricking pain and soreness. Symphytum is a natural Homeopathic medicine which is completely safe without any side effect in facilitatingprompt union of broken bones. Complete bone union in the minimum time possible is expected with Symphytum usage.
Calcarea Phosphorica: Homeopathic medicine for enriching bone with calcium and phosphorus
Natural Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Phosphorica, as the name suggests, contains both calcium and phosphorus as its basic components. The Calcarea Phosphorica remedy used in Homeopathy is different from the ones used in other modes of treatment. The difference is that in Homeopathy, the minerals calcium and phosphorus are not used in crude form and are rather implied only after potentisation. Potentisation is a process by which the most inherent and deep healing properties of a drug are raised to the highest point with the simultaneous reduction of its material aspect. Use of such potentised medicines over crude form carries no risk of side effects and also makes them easily assimilated by the body without any side effects like nausea and constipation. The use of Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Phosphorica is recommended along with Symphytum for mending broken bones. By the conjoined action of these medicines, the bone is weaved in the best possible way. Here Symphytum helps in enhancing osteoblast activity and Calcarea Phosphorica helps in enriching and strengthening the bone by providing the essential minerals calcium and phosphorus. Use of Calcarea Phosphorica is recommended in biochemic form in 6X potency.
Hypericum: Homeopathic medicine for reducing nerve pain at fractured site
Natural Homeopathic medicine Hypericum is the best remedy for the most severe nerve pains at the fractured site. Mostly the toes, fingers and spine are the areas rich in nerves. So, whenever the fracture is in these sites with unbearable pains of neuritic origin, Hypercium is the ideal Homeopathic remedy. This medicine brings about magical relief from painin a short time.
Arnica and Calendula: Homeopathic remedies for open or compound fractures
In case of open or compound fractures, both Arnica and Calendula are the top natural Homeopathic remedies. Arnica acts as a preventive agent against infection that may result in open fractures. So, it should always be given in all cases of open fractures as a prophylactic against infection. If the use of Arnica is missed in the first place and infection of bones with suppuration (pus) has begun, even then the use of Homeopathic remedy Arnica should begin as soon as possible. It has the power to halt the further progress of suppurative process, as also resolving the infection that already exists. It aids in proper absorption of the pus at the fractured site and prevents sepsis. Arnica should always be administered internally and in no way used externally. Calendula is a natural Homeopathic medicine of great help that can be used both externally as well as internally as first aid in case of any open wound. It is the best antiseptic Homeopathic remedy in preventing suppuration. It helps in uniting the soft parts with first intention healing. With its use, the skin gets healed in a short time, thus reducing the chances of infection that can gain access to bone through the broken skin that has lost its integrity.
With regard to my grandson. I have 30 c arnica, 30 c hypericum, 200 symphytum, 200 calcarium phosphorica and another eupatotium perfoliatum 30c that I read might also be useful. Any advice for mending the tibua would be appreciated. It happened last evening
My 3 year old grandson has a closed spiral fracture of the tibia. What is the recommended dose frequency and duration for these remedies?
I broke my middle phalanx of my 4th toe. I am a believer in homeopathy and are familiar with its use. I have Arnica 30c, Ferrum phosphoricum 30c & Calcarea phosphorica 6c. I also have an empty Symphytum officinale 200ck. Can I take the first 3 homeopathic remedies together or should I take them separately? Are they the correct potencies for such an injury?
Hi Dr. Sharma! I recently feel, broke the ball of my left shoulder, and in a sling. I saw Your recommendations of the 2 homeopathic medicines to heal! Can You recommend any thing else? Thanks so much, Fran
Hello & thank you Dr Sharma for all you do to promote & educate with these remedies. You are blessed & so are we for finding you.
Your articles have been incredibly helpful for our animals when nothing else worked.
May you always have joy & ease in your life.
Hello, Dr. Sharma:
Five days ago I fractured or broke my pelvic bone. The fracture is stable because the bones are not out of place. I am 81 years old. I read your information on remedies. I do not know what potency to take. Do you do cases via email? Thanks.
Dr I have got my bone fractured but shoulder bone union is appearing even after surgery of one year is passed . Is there any homeopathy medicine to treat non union and gap .
How can I get the remedy for a fractured bone
How can I get the arnica for my fractured thumb
What potency and frequency of remedies do you recommend after ORIF for radial fx? I initially used arnica and hypericum post op for Pain. Now am moving to symphytum 200, but don’t know if that is the right potency. Also when do you take Calc phos 6x, concurrently or alternately with Symph? How long should I continue with protocol?
Respected doctor,I was operated on 24 August for proxymal humerus fracture and sublextion .plate was fitted. I was advised to take calcium daily and vitamin D once in a week. I am taking protin diet I am taking also homeopathic medicine from nearby homeopathic doctor will it help me to heal faster I am doing physiotherapy daily.sir if I want to consult you how where is your clinic
Dear Dr. Sharma,
I took a very nasty fall off of my bike 3 days ago. The brunt of the fall was to my mid back. I’m having sharp and painful stabs to my back when I breathe in. Have put st. john’s oil on it with coconut oil as a carrier. Will not go to hospital for xrays as we are not vaccinated and I am afraid. Wondering what I should take internally as well as topically for pain and healing. Thankyou so much!
Hi doctor I want to ask a question regarding a dislocated femur neck and I would be very grateful if you could help me with this. My grandfather fell on the floor of his house and he dislocated his femor neck not too much and we don’t want him to undergo surgery as he is 79 years old. He underwent a urinary bladder operation 1 month ago and it was successful but we don’t want him to suffer again so I want you to tell me how can the bone be fixed without surgery please this is my whatsapp number 03218530726 please consult me as my grandfather is in serious pain please I would be very grateful for the help😞
Have been so tired, fatigued, and stressed for years. All I can do to stand up in church singing hymns and praying without feeling such relief by sitting back down. Now, almost overnight, I am suffering to the point of unbearable pain. I can hardly walk on one leg. If I do, I pay for it with intense sharp pains from lower back to especially thigh and pulsating, spasm jumping above knee. No way to lie on stomach or side without feeling same tortuous pain. Heating pads on back and thigh are only items helping as well as resting on soft, leather sofa.
Mattress makes it worse. Thank you for listening to ailments.
Dr Sahab my Tibia got fractured and surgery done on 11 jan 2020 after 4 months very less union of bones healing is very slow gap between the bone is high how to deal I am taken calcium for approx 2 months also taken Symphatum I am vegeterian taking Dairy products paneer and milk etc. and regular diet Plz suggest what more I can do
Respected sir My daughter slip from stair on 20th jan2019 Many doctors could not diagnose exactly. They are giving medicine of nerves and bones but pain continues four months. Finally after mri jones fracture detected on 5th june2019 and casted on 6th June After 2 weeks tendon avulsion still have a pain. Is any medicine in homeopathy for pain relief
I had met with an accident at the age of 8 years. Now I am 30 but my body pains more when I don’t walk for a day. It usually happens in weekends. I had injury in my right leg. Which calcium medicine can I take in homeopathy.
Dear Doctor,
My father is 82 years old. He recently fell down and fractured his neck fumur. In allopathy surgery is only possible remedy but the same is ruled out due to his heart condition.
Please let me know if any treatment is available in Homeopathy
सर,7/10/18को मेरा humerus फ्रेक्चर हो गया था13/10 को surgery हुई प्लेट लगा किंतु जॉइंट नहीं हुआ 15/1/19को दुबारा सर्जरी हुई । sir बोन हीलिंग जल्दी कैसे हो सुझाव दे । फोन no दे बात करनी है,, कुलदीप सिंह 7488396514
sir I’m 22yr im female have fracture of wrist joint on left hand two yrs back in x ray shows Frature of scaphoid bone plz suggest any homoeopathic remedy for healing fastly
Hello my son of 32years has broken his leg quite high up to the right side the doctor called it an unstable fracture he also has torn one or some ligaments at the front of the foot which the doctor said is that bad that he may have to operate . I have given him Arnica and about to move on to Ruta and was thinking about symphytum and also what you also mentioned calcarea phosphorica can I give all three to him and will any of these help with the ligament. Many thanks
I got hairline fracture to the left hand wrist and the wrist of the below thump is to be healed. The injury took place on 11th July 2018. let me know the Homeo medicine. My age is 61 years. I am also getting knee pains from January 2018.
For hairline crack of ankle
Sir My uncle got accident in 2001 and his legs got fractured. He was in bed for 30 days with plaster in whole legs. he has united fracture of neck of left femur. In his MRI report flattening of the left femoral head is seen with marginal osteophyte formation. It is also seen of moderatic arthritic changes in the hip joints. Please tell us what is solution in Homeopathy . He walks with a pain in hip and joints.
i have fractured my small finger of the right hand on 23 june. last x ray on 7 august showed bones are aligned and healing but a bit slow. i consulted a homeo doctor and started taking symphytum 5 drops with water twice daily and calcarea phosphorica 4 tablets thrice daily. would like your opinion on how long should this be taken and also if there is any other medicine that can help in healing faster. My age is 54 years and am a female.
Hi I m 50yr old female one & half months back I fractured my foot & my fibula is fractured I m still on cast which medicine will help to join my fibula so that I can walk properly pl help
How is R 34 biochemic in hastening the healing of fracture?
Sir, somewhare on Google I studied that symphytom ( comfrey leaves ) might be harmful for kidney . My age is 33 , I have fracture in my ribs & clavicle since past 30 days. For clavicle fracture I take a surgery.
Please suggest can I take symphytom mother tincture for ribs & clavicle .
Does this Med cause kidney problem if used for long time
I am 57 yrs old and met an accident resulting many fractures but a fracture near knee is having a gap in bone even after 8 months of surgery. Dr is of the opinion that this is final recovery and no chances of further healing.can u tell me homeopathic medicine without any side effect
I’m having an open myomectomy in 2 weeks. I have to return to work after 5 weeks so need something to aid healing. Any suggestions?
Hairline fracture three weeks ago tibia above ankle joint replacement