What is DVT?
Deep vein thrombosis or DVT is a condition where blood clots form in one or more deep veins of the body. DVT usually occurs in the deep veins of the legs which are the largest and run through the calf and thigh muscles. DVT is most commonly seen among persons with a medical condition that causes blood to clot. However, clots can result from anything that prevents the blood from circulating normally.
Symptoms and Risk of DVT
Major symptoms of DVT include pain, swelling and redness in the affected area. The pain usually starts in the calf muscles. The person feels great soreness and cramping pains in the legs. In some cases of DVT, well marked symptoms do not show up. DVT can occur at any age, even though persons above 60 years of age are at a higher risk. Many factors can increase the risk of developing DVT. These include prolonged bed rest or long hours of sitting, in a flight for example or at work. Smoking also increases the risk of DVT as it affects blood clotting and circulation. Other common factors leading to DVT are surgery, obesity, pregnancy and birth control pills.
Homeopathy can treat DVT
Homeopathy is a wonderful science that takes a natural approach to healing. Homeopathic medicines are made from natural substances and are therefore, safe and have no toxic side effects. This is also what makes them more effective in treatment of DVT. Homeopathic medicines act at the root level and stop further progression of the disease. They stimulate the disease fighting mechanism of the body. As the healing system of the body is strengthened, the disease is completely eradicated.
Homeopathic Medicines for DVT
The most recommended Homeopathic medicines for treating DVT are Apis Mellifica, Bothrops and Vipera. Apis Mellifica is mostly prescribed for treating DVT cases where the symptoms include severe, stinging pain and swelling of the legs. Bothrops, also one of the excellent Homeopathic medicines for DVT, works especially well on DVT resulting from a surgery. Vipera is best recommended for DVT due to sitting for prolonged hours.
Apis Mellifica – One of the top rated Homeopathic medicines for DVT with severe pain, swelling
Apis Mellifica is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for DVT with severe burning and stinging pains. The symptoms include swollen feet, legs that feel stiff, tired and bruised. A person suffering this condition may also have swelling in the knees which are sore from stinging pain. Other limbs may also feel heavy, numb and immovable in cases which will show marked improvement with prescription of Homeopathic medicine Apis Mellifica.
Bothrops – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for DVT caused after surgery
Bothrops is one of the most useful Homeopathic medicines for DVT caused after surgery. The limbs feel heavy and numb. The leg veins are swollen and painful. A leg that is badly infected after surgery for varicose veins and DVT is the ideal case for Homeopathic medicine Bothrops.
Vipera –Most suitable of Homeopathic medicines for DVT due to prolonged sitting
Vipera is one of the most effective Homeopathic medicines for DVT that results from prolonged sitting. The symptoms include extreme pain when the limbs are allowed to hang down, severe cramps in the lower limbs. The veins feel swollen and sensitive due to severe pain in cases where Vipera is the best prescription among Homeopathic medicines for DVT.
Hamamelis – One of the top Homeopathic medicines for DVT with a bursting feeling in the legs
Homeopathic medicine Hamamelis acts well for DVT in cases where the symptoms include swollen legs which feel like they will burst from pain. The limbs feel tired and very sore. The joints too may feel tense. In fact, Hamamelis is rated among the best Homeopathic medicines for DVT as well as varicose veins.
Lachesis – Effective among Homeopathic medicines for DVT with joint pain
Lachesis ranks among the best Homeopathic medicines for DVT where it is accompanied by joint pain. A bluish swelling in the joints, especially after sprains, has been noticed in such cases. The person complains of severe pain in the joints and legs. The pain worsens with the slightest motion. Cramps in the calves with swelling in the ankles are treated well with Homeopathic medicine Lachesis.
Calcarea Iodata – Homeopathic medicines for DVT with indolent ulcers
Homeopathic medicine Calcarea Iodata is well indicated for DVT with indolent ulcers. A person suffering from this condition complains of a tired feeling in the limbs, especially in the calves. Numbness, along with a dull, heavy feeling in the legs is also noticed. Among Homeopathic medicines for DVT, Calcarea Iodata has shown the most wonderful results in such cases.
Secale Cornutum – Wonderful Homeopathic medicine for DVT with violent cramps
One of the best Homeopathic medicines for DVT where it is accompanied by violent cramps is Secale Cornutum. Symptoms include tingling sensation, numbness and violent pain in the legs. Icy cold sensation has been observed in the limbs.
Hello, I suffer from DVT issues for the last 20+ years, I have been on Coumadin for this period of time. I tried the other “black box” protein inhibiters with unacceptable side effects. Now my body seems to be rejecting the Coumadin, can you help? Thank you for your time.
Dear Dr. Sharma,
My name is Morag Rendall, I am 85 years old (6/09/1936). In my youth I was always treated by a homeopathic doctor. It was fashionable in my youth to have troublesome tonsils removed, my homeopathic doctor said “No” we’ll treat this – and he did today I still have my tonsils!
I now have DVT, a very painful leg, it started on the 14th July (with a night time fever).
I have been given two courses of Antibiotics (1000mgs four times a day), this has had little impact on the pain and swelling. My leg has enlarged calf measurement that is 16.5″ in the morning and 19″+ in the evening both hard and sore. I have been prescribed Ibuproven (400 mg tablets) allowed 3 times per day and up to 8 co-codamil tablets.
I had a tumour and kidney removed in 2014, so currently functioning on one kidney.
If you can offer me any help I would be grateful, homeopathic treatment helped me enormously after my kidney op’ – but my Dr. has since retired.
Please also advise me of the cost of your services and to whom payable.
Morag Rendall>
Stiellsmuir Farm, Woodlands Road, Blairgowrie Perthshire, PH10 6LE
Email: stiellsmuir@btinternet.com: Tel: 012350872237 Option 2.
Very nice post. I certainly love this site. Thanks!
Hi Dr. Sharma, my name is Theresa Frei and I am six months pregnant with my 8th child and battling varicose veins. I currently wear compression stockings, but I think that i may have a blood clot forming on the inside of my leg.
What remedy should I try to naturally dissolve it?
Thank you!
Dr Sharma,
I have been working with homeopathic medicine since 2012, but I am currently not a patient to any practitioner.
I have been wondering who can help me answer this question. I have a blood clot disorder called, anti-phospholipid Antibodies. I am treated with Warfarin and tested monthly. I was bitten by a poisonous spider, (they think a Brown Recluse or a relative of a Brown Recluse) in 2006. While I did not get diagnosed with APA for another 8 years, I had the antibodies minus the symptoms. The doctors thought that the spider bite may have triggered the immune response. Also, my mother died of the disease.
Okay, trying to keep this short: I have been EXTREMELY worried about the Covid Vaccine and the possibility of reactions of blood clot and/or autoimmunity problems. I have asked my doctors about it and they are NOT giving medical exemptions to anybody. I do not want to die, but I feel like I am playing Russian roulette. Is there any way I can get an exemption for the shot? I am NOT asking you for one, just if you know how I can get one.
Thank you,
Elizabeth Edwards
I am thankful to you for your book. I refer your book and also the website when needed.
Thank you Doctor for your generous help.
Sir, I P.N.Achary of kakinada Andhra pradesh it is to inform that my right leg PALM under took(Skin Drafting) surgery in september 2018, and also no problem. but now since 10 days feeling foot wight and numb also swelling. Swelling limping back to normal in the night sleep in the same way it repeats. please sir if any suggestions and medicines may please be intimated.
Sir, I P.N.Achary of kakinada Andhra pradesh it is to inform that my right leg PALM under took(Skin Drafting) surgery in september 2018, and also no problem but now since 10 days feeling foot wight and numb also swelling. Swelling limping back to normal in the night sleep in the same way it repeats. please sir if any suggestions and medicines may please be intimated.
I am suffering from dvt in right lower limb. Aloepathy dr. gave tab Ixerola 20 mg twice daily. Problem not over yet. Request kindly advise suitable homoeopathy medicine.
Now many patients who have come out of COVID 19 are found to develop blood clots else where in the system and many succumb to that. is there any known medicines to deal with it successfully in homoeo? Cand remedies like Arnica, Lach, Bothrops help?
I from kakinada Andhra pradesh request to in form that I took surgery right leg palm in 2018 sept. now since just since one month I am feeling swelling palm along with gout, Not feeling any pain but felling weight numb during swelling please.
🙏🏻 I have suffered severe Pulmonary embolism attack in 2017 with multi organ stopped working for 20 day with help of allopathic treatment of high blood thinning injections and 1 yr long tablets of thinners treatment supported with b12 and folic acid tab.
BODY symptoms are fatigue and indigestion lose motion 3 times day and pain in lower limbs after sitting in one posture for for long time.low thirst and low hunger reduced weight .
Please guide me with homeopathy and natural food (veg.)
Hello Dr sharma,
I dignost sever DVT, with pain and swelling from toe to knee on my left leg. Also I have ulcerative colites which shifted from mild to moderate after I started having mesalamine generic, two weeks ago since doctor wanted to control my UC. Also, clot was moved to my lung but it is cleared after two weeks. On top of that I have annoying itchingballnover my body specially leg and hand. My kidney enzymes is also high. So I decided to go to homeopathy doctor here in South CALIFORNIA. Can you guide me where I can go for solving my health challenges?
నా పేరు కిరణ్ కుమార్ నాకు 2016 లో బ్రెయిన్ లో రక్తం గడ్డ అయింది అన్ని కొన్ని రోజులు మందులు వాడటం జరిగింది అది అలా 3 సంవత్సరాలు వాడడం జరిగింది మందులు
1. Levipil 500mg
2. Epsolin 100mg
3. Acitrom
4. Amitril
5. Gardenal వాడడం జరిగింది.
మళ్ళీ 2019 సంవత్సరం ఫిబ్రవరి నెల లో dvt తో ఇబందీ పడుతున్నాను డాక్టర్ లెగ్ స్టాకింగ్స్ వాడమని సూచించగా వాడుతున్నాను కొన్నీ నేలల కి స్కాన్ చేపించము dvr నెగిటివ్ వచ్చింది, ఈ మధ్య కాలంలో (lockdown time) స్టాకింగ్స్ కాలికి వేయలేదు మళ్ళీ నా ఉద్యోగం చేసే పని లో కాలు వాపు రావడం గమనించాను మళ్ళీ డాక్టర్ గారిని కలిసాను డాక్టర్ అన్నారు కాలికి స్టాకింగ్స్ జీవితకాలం వాడుకోవాలి నువ్వు అన్నారు మెడిసిన్ నాకు హోమోసిస్టీన్ లెవెల్స్ ఏకువ ఉనాయి అందుకు అనుగుణంగా మందులు వాడాలి అన్నారు మెడిసిన్
1.Dabicloct 150
2.Niacin NF
4.myodal(for pain)
ఇవీ వాడుతున్నాను కానీ నాకు చాలా రోజుల నుంచి వాడుతున్న మందులు సైడ్ ఎఫెక్ట్స్ వస్తున్నాయి అనిపిస్తుంది, హోమియోపతి లో మంచి సక్సెస్ రేట్ ఉంది,అన్ని తెలుసుకున్నాను కనుక మీరు ఏదైనా నాకు మెడిసిన్ సజెషన్ ఇవ్వగలరా.
I agree with you
Dr good evening.
Dr I was diagnosed with DVT.and got balooning in 2016.from then I was taking Xarelto 20 mg.
This medicine is so costly .that’s why I switched to homeopathic medication
Dr im taking Homeopathic medicine are
1 R 63 10 to 15 drops with some water 3 times a day
2 calcarea flour 6 x 4 tablets 4 times a day
3 arnica 1m 2 drops in morning
4 hemamelis 30 2 drops in night
But still I have pain in my right foot.
Kindly advice .
Respected Dr. Sharma, (1) I have severe edema only on my left foot, sometimes extending to the knee. Doppler shows a venous obstruction. Some Varicose veins can be felt and visible behin0d the knee; also, a few patches of spidery veins on skin on the sides.
(2) The same left leg is affected by Sciatica from hip downwards.
For both reasons, aches & pains all over leg. I suffer them, without pain killers, mostly.
I also have BPH, treated periodically homeopathically , yet needing to pass urine about 3 times every night. Urine stream being small takes long time to void.
I am 93. No sugar problem. BP reasonably OK . Breath shortness
climbing steps. Sleep is poor. Am caregiver for my bed ridden wife,83. would be most grateful for your advise. With warm regards
My husband, 69, has primary myelofibrosis (early stages), from benzene exposure, and had a splenic infarct August 2019. The clot went unseen in the CT scan. Through a series of delays, he did not get treatment for 3 weeks. they did radiological intervention for recanalization. He has only trickle flow or none through splenic, mesenteric, portal and hepatic veins. They are saying his liver is in great danger. He is on diuretics and eliquis. He has had paracentesis 5 times in the last 7-8 weeks. I am reading that homeopathy has some answers to dissolving clots. We are working to line up stem cell /bone marrow transplants in Dallas. Our GI doctor is checking with others he worked with at the Mayo Clinic for any answers to getting around/through the clots. In my opinion, we are best to try homeopathy before other MDs put him on other medicines. My husband wants to wait for other things to be done. What can we do?
Sir my mother 62 years she is suffering from 5 days with blood clot in brain so please give me suggestions is normal life possible. What is medicine in homeopathy I hope you are give reply as soon as possible because we are not comfortable with medical expenses
Hello sir…my father is consuming allopathy medicine for leg swelling due to blood clot and fluid stagnation…but he suffering from untolerant leg pain and sleeplessness….please prefer medicine for him…
leg swelling and severe pain due to blood clot and fluid stagnation
I have an African Grey Parrott that is having seizures/cramps in his legs due to heart disease.
Can any of these help him??
I have been recognised as DVT patient from past 8 days and I have been injecting fondared 15mg injection for past 7 days, also they have asked me to take tab Xarelto 15 mg for 3 weeks , so I don’t want to take this medicine any more as I have not get rid of pain, please help me out , I want to meet you, if possible please send me your contact details on 9620697578
Date: 13/11/19
I am Javed Ashraf 56 year old (Male), height 5.5ft, weight 80, from Mumbai and suffering from chronic vericose vein problem
I have taken some H.med. like -hamamelis, rec.weg. 42,63 and calc-flr 6x, 12x continuously 3-4months in condition of swollen both legs(ankle to upper thigh).
So, i want to treat me well
Thanking you
My name is Junaid, i was hospitalized in 2015 because of pulmonary embolism the cause was unknown and it recurred in 2019 and this time also the cause is unknown, know a days i am using Rivaroxaban. i want to go for homeopathic treatment. please help
My name is Junaid, i was hospitalized in 2015 because of pulmonary embolism the cause was unknown and it recurred in 2019 and this time also the cause is unknown, know a days i am using Rivaroxaban. i want to go for homeopathic treatment. please help
Date: 13/11/19
I am Javed Ashraf 56 year old (Male), height 5.5ft, weight 80, from Mumbai and suffering from chronic vericose vein problem
I have taken some H.med. like -hamamelis, rec.weg. 42,63 and calc-flr 6x, 12x continuously 3-4months in condition of swollen both legs(ankle to upper thigh).
So, i want to treat me well
Thanking you
I have dvt which has recovered for the third time. I am on anti coagulants. Can homeopathic medicine be taken along with allopathic treatment. I think i will start homeopathy after i get cured currently with allopathic treatment. I request your suggestions
My wife 28 year old wight 72kg suffering DVT in 3 month pregnancy Dr recommend clexane inj 60mg* BD 6 month use now c section done and Doppler scan show DVT clear now Dr recommend warfarin tab but I am shifting on homeopatic medicine homepahty Dr suggest me R64 plz help me it is ok work
Sir my son age 30 years has DVT from 1st Aug his right leg is swollen from theigh joint to paws doppler report says EXTERNAL ILIAC VEIN SUPERFICIAL FEMORAL VEIN DEEP FEMORAL VEIN ANDPOPLITEALVEIN ARE DILATED NON COMPRESSIBLE AND FULL OF THROMBUS WITH NO ANTI-TRADE FLOW SEEN Request your help regards Chaturvedi
Sir my son age 30 years has DVT from 1st Aug his right leg is swollen from theigh joint to paws doppler report says EXTERNAL ILIAC VEIN SUPERFICIAL FEMORAL VEIN DEEP FEMORAL VEIN ANDPOPLITEALVEIN ARE DILATED NON COMPRESSIBLE AND FULL OF THROMBUS WITH NO ANTI-TRADE FLOW SEEN Request your help regards Chaturvedi
Sir, My mom, age 52 is suffering from dvt in both the legs since 12 years. She is using ACITROM 2 & 3 alternatively every day.
Her legs become swollen when she works much in standing position in the kitchen. And also she has red spots on her legs. Found no clots in veins in recent colour doppler tests.
Please suggest us homeopathic medicine for the above condition.
Hello Sir my name is Elangovan age 37,weight75kg,height 167cm.11 years back met an accident left thigh bone fracture will clear by nailing and bone grafting. Last 3 yrs suffering DeepVeinThrombosis(DVT) problem more pain now and bulges also increases in left calf muscles please suggest suitable medicines for me.Thank you.
I have written to you on several sites hoping one of them will reach you. I have been diagnosed with DVT in my left leg which is very swollen. Since I was a chiropractor and an acupuncturist for over 20 years I am more interested in the homeopathic approach. I am in the US. Could we work together via email? I would pay for the consultation and the products. Please advise and thank you.
Kerry Knowlton
Dear Doctor, I have been diagnosed DVT in lower limb I.e.right leg since one month. I had severe pain. Allopathy docter treated me with 14 Injections 2 in a day for 7 days.(Clexane 60mg) .After that he had told me to take lifelong Afogatran 110 mg. Now I have no pain. I am 67 years and retired professional. My body weight is 70 kg. Please suggest if there is medicine in Homeopathy for DVR and if yes then please suggest. I shall be grateful to you. Thanks
Kia ora, My name is Adrian Hansen, I have suffered a un diagnosed Achilles rupture in my left leg for the last 16 weeks and finally have been scheduled for recontructive surgery in a couple of weeks. I also developed DVT during the first weeks , which I took Arnica montana 30 for . I stopped it after the initial period and slowly reduced the dose till zero. After my operation I want to go on Bothrops and Arnica together , is that possible , or just Bothrops only is sufficient ? With thanks in advance , warm regards, Adrian
I have dvt problem.in right legs only plz advice sir
Hi doctor
I have pain in 4 points in my leg. Pain is not tolleratable. Points near thys and below my ankle. Pls provide a suggession. Is there a treatment. After I got these clots I am getting vericose veins.
Nice info. It would be nice too, if you could share some cases where these remedies like Vipera, Bothrops have been used in patients with any of these auto immune disorders, nephrotic syndrome, renal cortical cyst, pcos, Kindly throw light on this.
Thank you
I had a deep vein thrombosis to the upper right arm 2 years ago,Before this event I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis since I was 27 years old(Thanks God I could walk and work not taking any medicine except cortisone Medrol 4-16 mg when I had impulses for the first 12 years, but not taking any medicine for 40 years, being 69 now .3 years before I was diagnosed having Monoclonal Gammapathy,and lately having cryoglobulinaemia(which is normal now,and 10 monthw ago that I have antiphospholipid syndrome.,My late blood examinations are.APTT 45,2,FIBRINOGEN 405,D-DIMERS 1,31.Also AUTOANTIBODIES(ELLISA): Anti-cardiolipin IgG 26,5.Anti-cardiolipin IgM>150, Anti-b2GPI IgG<6,25 and anti-b2GPI IgM 45.My Proteins :IgG 1690,IgM 447,C3 70,1 and C4 10,4.mg/dl.They want to start me with SINTROM anticoagulant medicine,something I really don't want.Could you advise me which Homeopathetic pill might be proper for my case?Thank you deeply.