Indigestion is known to most of us as a feeling of discomfort in the stomach and upper abdomen. Every person tends to get indigestion now and then, and some people may also suffer from it chronically. It is not a serious concern in most cases. It can be treated easily with certain lifestyle changes and medications. Indigestion is also known as dyspepsia. It is not a disease in itself, but refers to collective symptoms like a feeling fullness, discomfort, bloating, and gas in the abdomen felt soon after eating. Homeopathy for indigestion helps relieve such symptoms and treats the problem on a long-term basis. Lycopodium, Carbo Veg, and China are the top homeopathic medicines for indigestion.
Homeopathic Medicines for Indigestion
1. Lycopodium – When little food causes Excessive Gas and Fullness
Lycopodium is a plant remedy. This remedy is prepared from a plant named “Club Moss.” The natural order of this plant is Lycopodiaceae. Lycopodium is very beneficial for indigestion cases with excessive gas and fullness in the abdomen. These symptoms appear soon after eating. Even eating a little quantity of food creates fullness and gas in the abdomen. Abdomen gets bloated with rumbling, gurgling, growling of gas. Sour belching may appear with the above symptoms, along with noisy flatus. Cramping, constrictive or burning pains may be felt in the abdomen. Lycopodium also works well for indigestion that arises from eating bread, cabbage, beans, onions, and flatulent foodstuff.
2. Carbo Veg – For Indigestion with lot of Belching
Carbo Veg is highly useful for treating indigestion with gas and belching. Gas and distension in the upper part of the abdomen are the key features for using Carbo Veg. Belching brings relief from bloating. Burning in the stomach, sensitivity to touch, flatulent colic and water brash (sour, bitter fluid in the mouth from regurgitation of stomach acid) are the key symptoms indicated for using Carbo Veg, especially when all these symptoms appear even from taking the simplest kind of food.
3. China – When The Whole Abdomen feels Bloated
China is prepared from the dried Peruvian bark of the Cinchona tree that belongs to natural order Rubiaceae. China works well in cases of indigestion where whole abdomen feels bloated . The stomach remains bloated for a long time after eating and passing flatus does not relieve. Weight is felt in the abdomen soon after eating even the smallest portion of food. Abdominal colic may arise from flatulence. Bending double helps relieve the abdominal colic. China is also well indicated for indigestion that occurs from taking tea, milk, fish, and fruits.
4. Robinia – For Symptoms of GERD and Heartburn
Robinia is prepared from a plant commonly called “Yellow Locust. ” It belongs to the natural order Leguminosae. Robinia is helpful for treating heartburn . Burning sensation is felt behind the breastbone (heartburn) from regurgitation of the stomach acid in the food pipe. This is most marked during the night upon lying down. Sour, acrid belching or sour vomiting may also be present with the heartburn.
5. Ipecac – For Nausea and Vomiting
Ipecac is derived from the dried root of Ipecacuanha plant. This plant belongs to family Rubiaceae. Ipecac is well indicated for indigestion where troublesome nausea and vomiting are the most prominent symptoms. Nausea is very intense and constant and worsens from the smell of food. Vomiting of food and watery fluids arises with marked retching. Ipecac helps manage nausea and vomiting in cases where a pressing, cutting or cramping pain is felt in the stomach.
6. Nux Vomica – When Alcohol, Fast Food and Caffiene cause Indigestion
Nux Vomica is very suitable for indigestion (also known as dyspepsia) arising from dietary issues like excessive consumption of spicy food, drinking excessive coffee, chewing tobacco, smoking, and drinking alcohol. It is also indicated for indigestion in people who live a sedentary life with no exercise. Apart from this indigestion/dyspepsia linked with work-related anxieties is also indicative of Nux Vomica. The person needing Nux Vomica complains of weight in the stomach and heartburn after eating. Other attending symptoms are – sour, bitter belching, hiccough, pain in the abdomen, nausea, retching, and vomiting, obstructed flatus, rumbling, gurgling in the abdomen, and a constant, ineffectual urge to pass stool. The stool is scanty and is always insufficient and unsatisfactory.
7.Pulsatilla – For Indigestion due to Intake of Fatty, Greasy Food and Milk
Pulsatilla is a natural remedy prepared from the fresh plant named “Windflower” of the natural order Ranunculaceae. Pulsatilla treats indigestion arising from the consumption of fatty, greasy food, butter, milk, creams, ice creams, desserts, pastries. The symptoms to look for using Pulsatilla are heaviness of stomach, pain in stomach, flatulence, and heartburn. Colic and rumbling of gas, a bitter taste in the mouth, belching that tastes like food and nausea and vomiting are other symptoms that may be present.
8. Natrum Phos – When Heartburn is Accompanied with Sour Vomiting
Natrum Phos is highly recommended remedy for dyspepsia with heartburn (burning behind the breastbone) and sour vomiting. Heaviness and fullness in the stomach, sour belching, and water brash after eating and noisy flatulence are the key features that indicate the need for this medicine. Natrum Phos works well in cases of dyspepsia related to peptic ulcers, and GERD.
9. Arsenic Album – For Burning in Stomach
Arsenic Album helps relieve burning in the stomach in cases of indigestion. It is also used to treat nausea and vomiting. Nausea is worse from the smell and sight of food. Burning behind the breastbone with acid, bitter water brash is prominent. Marked anxiety and restlessness may attend the above gastric issues. Dyspepsia from taking bad meat, vinegar, ice creams, fruits, alcoholic drinks, cheese is treated well with Arsenic Album.
10. Antimonium Crudum – For Constant Belching
Antimonium Crudum is an excellent treatment for indigestion where constant belching is present. Belching tastes of the food just eaten. Stomach feels overloaded and gets bloated after eating. The tongue is covered with a thick white coating. Antimonium Crudum is suggested for indigestion that arises from consuming bread, pastries, pork, and sour wine. It is also indicated in cases where a child vomits milk (like curd) after nursing. Antimonium Crudum is also considered in cases of indigestion arising from overeating.
Common Causes of Indigestion
Most times indigestion arise from dietary excesses like consuming highly spiced food; fatty, oily, fried, greasy food; excessive tea or coffee; overeating and smoking.
In some cases, the use of antibiotics and painkillers can also cause indigestion.
Indigestion is also linked to anxiety, stress, and depression.
It may also be a symptom of certain digestive conditions like gallstones, gastritis, GERD (gastrointestinal reflux disease), stomach infection, peptic ulcers, IBS (irritable bowel syndrome), celiac disease and gastroparesis.
Symptoms of Indigestion
The primary symptoms of indigestion are discomfort, fullness in the abdomen after eating, and excessive gas and bloatedness in the abdomen after eating, and burning in the upper abdomen and behind the breastbone (heartburn). Other attending symptoms include rumbling gurgling in the stomach, belching, nausea, vomiting, water brash, and pain in the abdomen.
I have indigestion, with cold stomach. It seamed that food is siting as a rock in the stomach. There is rumbling of gas flatulence with foul-smell, gurgling in the abdomen. Sometimes occurs belching. Pain at the right ribs going to the right shoulder blade. heaviness, lack of energy, weakness and coldness in the body even after taking a worm bath.