Vaginal Discharge -Treat it with Natural Homeopathic Medicines

What is Leucorrhea?

Leucorrhea refers to vaginal discharge varying in color and character. The colour may vary from white to yellow to green and may even be bloodstained. The character of leucorrhea may be bland, acrid, ichorous (foul smelling and watery), irritating, thin or thick, offensive or non-offensive. Some amount of vaginal discharge is normal and plays a role in lubricating the vagina as well as protecting it. But leucorrhea that is offensive and ichorous needs to be investigated and treated. Leucorrhea is experienced by women of all age groups at some point in their lives. The various causes of leucorrhea are estrogen imbalance, infection (bacterial/fungal), pelvic inflammatory disease, sexually transmitted diseases.

Homeopathic Treatment of Leucorrhea (Vaginal Discharge)

Homeopathy has a vast list of therapeutics to treat leucorrhea. Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea are natural and safe for use among women of all age groups. The most suitable Homeopathic medicine for leucorrhea is decided after painstakingly taking down the details of each individual case. The peculiar character of vaginal discharge in every case is considered while prescribing the most appropriate medicine. The most effective Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea cases are – Borax, Sepia, Kreosote, Pulsatilla, and Alumina.

Homeopathic Medicines for Leucorrhea

Borax and Natrum Mur – Top Homeopathic medicines for white leucorrhea discharge

Borax and Natrum Mur are very effective Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea which is white in color. Both these medicines have shown excellent results in women with this condition, in mild or severe form. The characteristic symptom to look out for before prescribing Borax is that the leucorrhea is profuse, like the white of an egg. The leucorrhea may get worse in between periods in such cases. Borax is one of the best Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea of this type. Natrum Mur is another natural and effective cure for thick white, debilitating vaginal discharge. The discharge in such cases may be acrid in nature with a sore, burning sensation in the vagina. Natrum Mur beats other Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea in treating conditions of this type.

Kali Bichromicum and Sepia – Top grade Homeopathic medicines for yellowish-green leucorrhea discharge

Natural medicines Kali Bichromicum and Sepia are highly recommended Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea which is yellowish green in colour. Kali Bichromicum is one of the most suitable Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea with a yellow-green, tenacious vaginal discharge. It is also one of the best Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea that is ropy or stringy in nature. Sepia is also a useful Homeopathic medicine for yellow, green vaginal discharges when attended with itching of genitals. Leucorrhea in such cases may be foul smelling. A very peculiar accompanying symptom which is a sure sign that Sepia will be the most effective is a bearing down sensation in the pelvis along with the vaginal discharge. Sepia is also one of the top grade Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea in women of menopausal age.

Merc Sol – One of the best Homeopathic medicines for greenish, bloody leucorrhea

Merc Sol is one the most excellent Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea of a greenish, bloody nature. The leucorrhea is highly acrid, itchy, burning, excoriating in nature and the genitals feel raw and sore in such cases. Merc Sol is the most ideally suited among Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea with such symptoms. Women who need Merc Sol may also complain of worsening of vaginal discharge during urination. Cold water splashes bring relief from the burning and itching sensations.

Iodum, Alumina and Kreosote – Very effective Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhoea of acrid nature

The three Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea of acrid nature that have shown the most wonderful results in my clinical practice are – Iodum, Alumina and Kreosote. Iodum is the best choice of Homeopathic medicine for acrid leucorrhea that even corrodes (makes holes in) the linen. Alumina is the best among Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea attended with much burning. Here cold water splashes may relieve the burning. Natural medicine Kreosote is prominently indicated for acrid vaginal discharges accompanied by violent, corrosive itching and soreness of the vagina. The discharge may be offensive and leave a stain on the linen. Kreosote is the best choice among Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea which is acrid and will offer the most effective cure in such instances.

Psorinum and Kreosote – Prominent Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea which is offensive in nature

Psorinum and Kreosote are the most prominently used Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea of offensive nature. The typical features to look out for while prescribing Psorinum are – gushing leucorrhea accompanied by a fetid odour. Weakness and back pain may also be present. Kreosote is considered one of the best Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea in cases where leucorrhea is highly offensive, acrid and itchy in nature. Kreosote is also the Homeopathic medicine to treat offensive leucorrhea that gets worse between periods.

Hydrastis and Calcarea Carb – Homeopathic medicines for thick leucorrhea

Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea that I have found most efficient in treating leucorrhea that is thick in nature are Hydrastis and Calcarea Carb. The characteristic symptoms guiding use of Hydrastis are – thick vaginal discharge of yellow colour and thick leucorrhea which is ropy or stringy in nature. Calcarea Carb has proved the most excellent among Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea where the leucorrhea discharge is thick, milky in nature. It may be accompanied by burning and itching sensations in the vagina. Calcarea Carb is also one of the best Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea which is thick and gets worse before periods.

Graphites – One of the topmost Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea of thin watery character

Graphites is one of the most suitable Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea of thin, watery nature. Graphites gives the best results when the major complaint is a thin vaginal discharge of gushing nature. The leucorrhea persists day and night. Weakness in the back is also felt along with the profuse, thin vaginal discharge.

Natrum Phos and Pulsatilla – Homeopathic Medicines for Leucorrhea that may cause infertility

Natrum Phos and Pulsatilla are good choices of Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea of creamy nature. Natrum Phos works best in treating creamy leucorrhea. The nature of discharge in such cases is acrid and may have a sour smell. Natrum Phos is one of the effective Homeopathic medicines for infertility from acid vaginal discharge. Pulsatilla, on the other hand, is the best choice of Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea with thick creamy discharge which is accompanied by backache and weakness. Menstrual irregularities may also be present along with leucorrhea in women with this condition. Pulsatilla is also one of the excellent Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea at puberty.

Aesculus – Best Homeopathic medicine for leucorrhea with backache

Aesculus rates among the most useful Homeopathic medicines for vaginal discharges with backache. Women complain of weakness and lameness in the back. The vaginal discharge is mainly of yellow and acrid nature.

China – One of the top rated Homeopathic medicines for leucorrhea with weakness

For cases of leucorrhea with weakness, Homeopathic medicine China is prominently indicated. China is most suitable for long, continued, excessive, profuse vaginal discharge resulting in much weakness. The leucorrhea may also be blood stained. It is often accompanied by a bearing down sensation in the pelvis.


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